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BitStore.Metadata_version: 1.0 BitStore.Access: public BitStore.Filename: RC3600_Support_System.pdf BitStore.Size: 823845 BitStore.Format: PDF BitStore.Ident: 30004892:2 BitStore.Digest: sha256:9d157e2e148daeab8841b22f27cd56e6c5f8386274023cf8b11c60ecdc3df7ac BitStore.Last_edit: 20230528 Søren.Roug DDHF.Keyword: RC/RC3600 RCSL/82/Q Document.Title: RC 3600 Support System Document.RCSL: RCSL-82-Q-0107 Document.Date: 1971-02 Document.Description: Tape to Print Version This version of the RC 3600 support system consists of a processing unit and operator console, fast line printer, and 9 track magnetic tape unit, compatible with industry standards for recording at 800 bpi or 1600 bpi. *END*