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BitStore.Metadata_version: 1.0 BitStore.Access: public BitStore.Filename: TurboPascal_shareware_1.bin BitStore.Size: 1228800 BitStore.Format: BINARY BitStore.Ident: 30002733:1 BitStore.Digest: sha256:7e00c29a3fcc39a769ca1d229c3cd12f850a7928b15f5e852d324d7236113ef8 BitStore.Last_edit: 20210819 Søren.Roug DDHF.Keyword: LANGUAGES/PASCAL DDHF.Provenance: Vesthimmerlands Gymnasium Media.Summary: Shareware programmer for Turbo Pascal 4 Media.Geometry: 80c 2h 15s 512b Media.Type: 5¼" Floppy Disk Media.Description: Turbo Pascal 4.00 : Bibliotek 1. --------------------------------- * DISK 1 * BOX100T4.ARC - (c) 1988 NIDASOFT ------------ BOXES er et lille bibliotek af rutiner til at 'tegne' kasser og rammer på skærmen med ved hjælp af ASCII-karakterer. SST100T4.arc - (c) 1988 NIDASOFT ------------ SUPERSTRENG er et bibliotek af funktioner og procedurer til forskellige for- mer for streng-håndtering. MOUSE.ARC ---------- A Turbo Pascal 4.0 Mouse Unit PULLDW40.ARC ------------ A simple demonstration program using a pulldown menu system. The pulldown menu implemented here is much simpler than the one used in PULLDOWN.MS (in the Editor Toolbox), and much easier to tailor to your particular application. TPW60.ARC --------- This utility creates incredibly quick multi-level windows in Turbo Pascal programs for IBM PC/XT/AT compatibles. 3DANIM.ARC ---------- Procedure til 3D-grafik i Turbo Pascal 4.0 BTREE4.arc ---------- BTree4 is a separately compiled unit for Turbo Pascal ver. 4.0 from Borland International, Inc. BTree4 may be linked to a user's source programs, and will perform all of the same B-tree indexing functions as Borland's Data- base Toolbox. B&S_UNIT.ARC ------------ Her får du 31 nyttige funktioner og procedurer, som vi hos Bruun & Schæffer bruger til daglig i vores udviklingsarbejde. TEXTWND2.ARC ------------ Text Windows for Turbo Pascal 4.0. These units allow you to open windows on a normal 80x25 text screen. You can use them in EGA 43 line mode. I do not know why it should not work with VGA 50 line mode, but this has not been tested. The routines comprise windowing, editing, menu management and printer management. HYPE11.ARC ---------- HYPE is a simple hypertext demonstration for the IBM PC. It is useful for on-line documentation, CAI etc., It is provided with full source code to encourage experimentation. QWIK41A.ARC ----------- QWIK screen utilities permit fast screen writing on IBM compatibles on any IBM or Hercules adapter including the new PS/2 systems without "snow" or flicker effects and is compatible with ANY column format. QWIK utilities allow you to write to the screen in absolute coordinates on any video page and are not the screen in absolute coordinates on any video page and are not confined to a Turbo window or to just page 0. * DISK 2 * INTRPLST.ARC ------------ En næsten komplet og kommenteret interupt-listning. TBTREE13.ARC ------------ TBTREE13 is version 1.1 of a shareware btree and database product for use with Turbo Pascal 4.0. It is intended to give a user the capabilities to develop pascal applications for the creation and manipulation of databases. DMA.ARC ------- This set of procedures and functions can be used to replace the standard TURBO Pascal output routines with direct "pokes" into the hardware buffer on an IBM-PC (or truely compatible machine). NPRINTER.ARC ------------ This UNIT for Turbo Pascal version 4.0 replaces the standard PRINTER unit provided with the compiler and solves some problems related to sending printer control strings and graphics data to printers using the LST file. *END*