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BitStore.Metadata_version: 1.0 BitStore.Access: public BitStore.Filename: DASK-2010-ALGOL60-2010_omslag.pdf BitStore.Size: 453075 BitStore.Format: PDF BitStore.Ident: 30001270:3 BitStore.Digest: sha256:cf4c7dfd6d59987369392701617cac8f6076ed5c23b324491ba88017ddec7451 BitStore.Last_edit: 20191109 phk DDHF.Keyword: EVENT/2010 EVENT/COVER ALGOL Event.Title: ALGOL 60 - To indlæg om historien Event.Date: 20100213 Event.Location: IT Universitetet, Amager Presentation[1].Speaker: Huub de Beer Presentation[1].Title: ALGOL 60: The Death of a Programming Language and the Birth of a Science. Presentation[1].Abstract: ALGOL 60 is almost forgotten, it now is one of many dead programming languages. Once, however, ALGOL 60 was the lingua franca of computer science. And it was more than just another programming language like FORTRAN or COBOL. The development of ALGOL 60 and its successor became an international vessel for discussions about programming languages, translator writing, programming, and more. The ALGOL effort acted as a catalyst in bringing about computer science as an independent scientific field with its own agenda, theory and tools. Presentation[2].Speaker: Peter Naur Presentation[2].Title: Beskrivelse: Videnskabelighedens kerne 50 år: Fra ALGOL 60 til det mentale liv Presentation[2].Abstract: Med udgangspunkt i sit arbejde med ALGOL 60 fortæller Peter Naur om sine bidrag til nogle af de emner om programmering, der især blev diskuteret i perioden 1960-90 - og det gøres i lyset af en bredere sammenhæng med menneskelig tanke og forståelse. *END*